โ˜ฏ zen3geo - The ๐ŸŒ data science library youโ€™ve been waiting for


Get what you need, not more, not less:



pip install zen3geo

rioxarray, torchdata

pip install zen3geo[raster]

rioxarray, torchdata, xbatcher

pip install zen3geo[spatial]

rioxarray, torchdata, datashader, spatialpandas

pip install zen3geo[stac]

rioxarray, torchdata, pystac, pystac-client, stackstac

pip install zen3geo[vector]

rioxarray, torchdata, pyogrio[geopandas]

Retrieve more โ€˜extrasโ€™ using

pip install zen3geo[raster,spatial,stac,vector]

To install the development version from TestPyPI, do:

pip install --pre --extra-index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ zen3geo

May conda-forge be with you, though optional dependencies it has not.

mamba install --channel conda-forge zen3geo

For the eager ones, contributing will take you further.